Thursday, 23 August 2012

Fame & Fortune is Now easy

"Using Bull as Feng Shui"

How to get Good Luck , Fortune and Success in Business , Stock Market

In a month devoted to all things Americana comes a day devoted to the all-American cowboy. And because of these energies, you might think that I would share the skinny on how horsing around can bring worldwide fame and fortunes. Of course, you can stimulate both recognition and reward simply by placing small horse statues in the Fame area of your home, office, or facing south on your desk. 

Instead, today I'm going to talk about how best to use bull symbols to achieve fortune and luck. The bull is considered a sacred animal in Nepal, India and in many other parts of Asia. Followers of certain religions inside these cultures believe that the bull even has the power to manifest one's wishes into reality. 

In Feng Shui, the bull symbolizes access to immediate gains, ultimate successes and incremental fortunes. Displaying the symbol of the bull is believed to bring successful business encounters and opportunities, luck and success in speculative stock market trading and a smooth acquisition of wealth and abundance overall. 

Display an image or statue of a bull on your desk or station one in the Wealth area of your living room. I personally know that this tip works -- I'm bullish on being bullish!

I have Set the Above Image of Bull as my wallpaper on my Desktop..

Personal Tip : Let this image Become More powerful to you, me and all others... So Please Set the above image as a wallpaper for THREE Months and See the miracle happening in all our Lives..

For More Info Click Here 

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And off course you can ask me any questions...

Thanks :)

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